Friday 25 October 2013

HD Henamehnd Desings

               HD Henamehndi Desings 
Over the world every festival or occasion is celebrated with great zeal and enthusiasm. Every tribe or clans have their own customs and traditions according to which they celebrate their own festivals in their own particular way. One of the common trend found mostly in Asian countries is their female population likes to apply Mehndi or henna on their hands to make it a customary part of the tradition. These Mehndi and henna designs are also famous in the western countries but to a limit. Women all over the world admire beautiful styles and patterns marked on their hands as henna.
These designs include a number of beautiful motives and shapes that are floral, geometrical or either classical that are applied in various ways that make the henna design collection out of count. Mehndi or henna is taken as an identical mark for the married women in most parts of Asia. It is a symbolic fun activity for the people involved in customary marriage ceremonies. Girls and women also apply it as a fashion trend and sometimes they need no reason for the application of this beautiful art on their hands or foot. These designs are divided into many types according to their way of application and patterns that include the design like Arabic designs, indian designs, bridal designs and many others. Freshly applied henna, may it be black or natural colored can further be decorated with shiny glitters and beads that enhance the beauty of the art applied on the hands. For more images of this collection see below.
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